Generosity…the word makes my brain snap to thoughts of
money, or at least to the thoughts of money I wish I had. I have this unfortunate memory of asking an
artistic friend to make personalized book marks for a handful of women who were
helping me with a presentation.
My friend is an incredible artist and created the most beautiful bookmarks. You could see the thought, detail and love in each unique piece. I was overcome by the beauty of the pieces and was compelled to compensate her, but as I looked at their value I felt I didn’t have enough. She wasn’t expecting anything but I didn’t want to insult her time and talent with the little I could I didn’t. That nagging lack of generosity stayed with me for over a decade.
Recently I took it upon myself to do a fundraiser for my son and daughter-in-love’s adoption effort. I called it 10 Fingers * 10 Toes * 10 Day * $10 Fundraiser. Because I knew what it was like to have my generosity shut down by thoughts of “not having enough”, I purposely set the amount low so others wouldn’t feel the same struggle. It ended up being a very awkward time because it’s hard for me to ask for help. In all honesty, it brings feelings of inadequacies when I reach out. I never realized though, that at a deeper level I was projecting these personal shortcomings on to others. Early this year I learned that my inability to receive well was actually tainting my own acts of generosity. This convicting jolt happened when I ran across a Brené Brown quote in The Gifts of Imperfection. “Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgement to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgement to giving help.”
My friend is an incredible artist and created the most beautiful bookmarks. You could see the thought, detail and love in each unique piece. I was overcome by the beauty of the pieces and was compelled to compensate her, but as I looked at their value I felt I didn’t have enough. She wasn’t expecting anything but I didn’t want to insult her time and talent with the little I could I didn’t. That nagging lack of generosity stayed with me for over a decade.
Recently I took it upon myself to do a fundraiser for my son and daughter-in-love’s adoption effort. I called it 10 Fingers * 10 Toes * 10 Day * $10 Fundraiser. Because I knew what it was like to have my generosity shut down by thoughts of “not having enough”, I purposely set the amount low so others wouldn’t feel the same struggle. It ended up being a very awkward time because it’s hard for me to ask for help. In all honesty, it brings feelings of inadequacies when I reach out. I never realized though, that at a deeper level I was projecting these personal shortcomings on to others. Early this year I learned that my inability to receive well was actually tainting my own acts of generosity. This convicting jolt happened when I ran across a Brené Brown quote in The Gifts of Imperfection. “Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart. When we attach judgement to receiving help, we knowingly or unknowingly attach judgement to giving help.”
I never realized that judgement loomed over parts of my
generosity, but it did. Not having enough
to give was a judgement on myself, but I also couldn’t deny the judgment that surfaced
when I gave plenty. It creeped in as pity
toward the causes that I supported. Like
a low-lying fog this pity corrupted my view of the people I was helping,
because my heart would break and I’d think, “Oh those poor people.” Brené digs deeper
with a revelation that continues to indicts me; she says, “At the time, I would have vehemently denied attaching judgement to my
generous giving. But now, I understand
how I derived self-worth from never needing help and always offering it.” My
difficulty in receiving help stemmed from my self-worth’s unsinkable efforts to
keep itself afloat with self-sufficiency, but self-sufficiency has absolutely
no part in Christian generosity.
While I was struggling with the adoption fundraiser, God’s
perfect timing landed me smack dab in the middle of His truth about giving. This summer I did a bible study by Kelly
Minter titled; All Things New. It was a study on 2
Corinthians that showcased the real aspects of generosity in 11 truths:
God’s definition of generous giving isn’t dependent
on how much or how little wealth a person has.
The experience of giving is a privilege that’s
accompanied by joy even in difficult circumstances.
Our willingness to give must be matched with
actual follow through.
God cares more about our desire to give than the
amount we’re able to give.
The discipline of giving is for the mutual
benefit of the giver and the receiver.
Giving must be done in the right spirit but also
in the right way.
A lifestyle of generosity is not an individual endeavor
but a team effort.
A lifestyle of generous giving requires planning.
The amount you reap is proportionate to the
amount you sow.
God loves a cheerful giver.
God is the ultimate source of our giving.
Piling onto these truths, God also blessed me with an
up-close and personal experience of someone who had the spiritual gift of
generosity. Any time we’re talking spiritual gifts, we are talking about someone’s
super-power from God. And like any
other super-power, it is meant to help others.
Part of me believes that the reason God loves a cheerful giver is
because there is no judgement attached to it.
I watched a donor and his family match my initial fundraising challenge,
and then work to double it. I had never
seen anything like it before. It was as
if someone had turned a fire hose of abundance on me – I was truly blown away! The most beautiful part of their extravagance
was their excitement and joy for the impact they would have on our family, all
of which was judgement free.
That clumsy posture of receiving grew me in ways I never
would have imagined. I was stunned by
the lavish amounts that came through from a simple $10 fundraising request. In only 10 days we raised nearly $3000
through only 29 donors. There was a sacrificial
$10 gift that brought tears to my eyes and while we received gifts, both large
and small, each one touched me deeply… really deeply. Cheerful givers rained blessings of
affirmation upon us and reinforced God’s calling to adopt one of His precious children.
Giving and generosity aren’t restricted to dollars. Giving involves not only our treasure, but
our time and talent as well. As I
mentioned at the beginning, the story of my friend who used her time and talent
to create handmade book marks haunted me for years; until I finally decided to
get over my embarrassment of 1) not having enough money and 2) the many years
that had passed. It wasn’t guilt, but
conviction that caused me to write her a letter. I shared my feelings, affirmed her artistry
and slipped a payment inside for her wonderful work. It was an amount that I couldn’t afford all
those years ago, but as I learned later, it wasn’t the money, but the words in
my letter that came at just the right time for her. God’s grace flowed 10 years after the fact;
healing me and affirming her.
Generosity and giving affirms others, and says,
“I see you!” It is God’s outstretched hand, reaching through your heart, to touch
someone else. Proverbs 11:25
says, “A generous man will prosper; he
who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.” Giving refreshes us as the givers and affirms
the receiver of God’s love. When
I allow God to turn my pity into compassion it arrests my judgment and I become
a true conduit of God’s love. Receiving
well is how that is done. Moreover, when
I allow myself to receive freely, I provide others with the opportunity to
touch me with God’s affirmation and love.
My lesson in generosity didn’t stop with the discovery
that being a good receiver helps me to be a better giver. While listening to an audio book I heard the
author refer to goodness in the Fruit
of the Spirit as generosity. This intrigued me so I checked out several
translations to see that, indeed, many of them used generosity instead of
goodness. At first, I wondered about
that, but then realized that the true essence behind goodness is a generous
spirit, a generosity that was demonstrated by our sacrificial, good, and holy
God. We are made in His image and when
we are generous, we are like Him.
The words “give”
and “gave” are mentioned over 2,000
times in the NIV translation of the Bible.
The word “receive” is only
used 255 times. That is a staggering disparity
supported by the well-known Scripture, “It
is better to give than to receive.” (Acts
20:25) Giving with a right heart rather than pride or obligation is what
develops our spiritual maturity and produces fruit.
Since the fruit of the Spirit gauge our maturity in Christ we may automatically
equate generous actions with someone who is spiritually mature. However, when generosity is cloaked in self-sufficiency,
God is not a part of that. Obligation is
another gesture that doesn’t bear God’s signature. Spiritually mature generosity is first of
all, dependent on God’s provision and then offered in partnership with God to
glorify Him.
Dallas Willard says, “You’re
a soul made by God, made for God, and made to need God, which means you were
not made to be self-sufficient.” This reminds me that the more spiritually
mature I become, the more dependent on God I will become. Spiritually mature generosity is an
understanding that all we have; time, talent, and treasure, comes from God, is
to be used for His purposes and best of all, brings us joy!
Replacing judgment and self-sufficiency with compassion
and dependence has already produced more joy for me than I could imagine. What better picture of this do we have than
Jesus. The Gospels recount all that He
gave through miracles and hope. He was
generous to the point of fatigue and even death! But we also see that He was an
itinerant Rabbi whose ministry was subject to other’s generous hospitality. He was an excellent receiver! No judgments or
stigmas on his part as He gracefully and graciously accepted every invitation. He maintained a regal posture of giving as
well as receiving with great compassion, and the force behind His biggest act
of generosity was joy. For the joy set before him he endured the
cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the
throne of God. (Hebrews
What joy awaits you? I know we all can’t give in the same
ways that Jesus did, but I do know that God works through us to achieve His purposes. While I’ve learned that compassion and
dependent giving is at the heart of generosity, I would say that the most
important take away is that God loves a cheerful giver. So, let joy be the first
thing you think of next time an opportunity comes your way to give, and remind
yourself of the joy that you will give others when you become the humble receiver. Whoever sows sparingly will also reap
sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in
his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a
cheerful giver. (2 Cor. 9:6-7)
How would you characterize your generosity? Where do you find the most joy in giving;
time, talent or treasure? What kind of
receiver are you? Become aware of the
nuances of judgement, self-sufficiency as part of your generosity.
What people come to mind as you read this poem. How are their lives full or empty as a result
of their generosity or their scarcity?
God’s love hath in us wealth unheaped
Only by giving it is reaped;
The body withers, and the mind
Is pent up by a selfish rind.
Give strength, give thought, give deeds,
give pelf
Give love, give tears, and give thyself.
Give, give, be always giving,
Who gives not is not living;
The more we give
The more we live.
Author Unknown
Pray and see what steps God would have you
take. Generosity is a personal and
intimate expression of your relationship with God.
For some of you, allowing someone to give to you
will help you to learn to receive without judgment or stigma. The practice of humbly receiving will help
you to give with compassion and with joy.
Find ways to receive help.
As a certified Christian Life Coach, I can help
you move from where you are to where God wants you to be. If you are interested
in learning about how the Fruit of the Spirit gauge your spiritual maturity then let’s chat. I'd love to be your champion in what God is calling you to
#Karynisms #CoachKaryn #EQandJesus #generosity #spiritualmaturity #giving #emotionalintelligence #EI #EQ
#Karynisms #CoachKaryn #EQandJesus #generosity #spiritualmaturity #giving #emotionalintelligence #EI #EQ
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