Friday, March 30, 2018


In a conversation with a co-worker many years ago, she described me as religious and I found myself deeply offended.  She didn’t accuse me of it, or even compliment me of it; it was part of a deeper conversation surrounding death, illness and suffering.  She just sort of made note of it.

I was initially thrown for a loop.  As a child, having been raised in what I call a culturally religious family, I performed sacraments that were empty and meaningless.  I adhered to doctrine that I didn’t understand and I never, ever cracked open a Bible.  I knew who Jesus was, kind of, but I knew more about rituals and liturgies than about His righteousness and love.

The insufficiency of religion is what propelled my spiritual walk, and for that I am grateful.  So, after years of seeking, accepting and learning about Christ, when my friend called me religious, it hit an old nerve.  I surprised myself by responding with calm conviction that I didn’t consider myself religious at all, that I had chosen faith as a life-style instead of religion. Faith that includes a church, the Bible and a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Please don’t misunderstand me; I am not bashing any church or denomination. I believe wholeheartedly in the local church! What I am criticizing was my own empty, uneducated, spiritual condition that was going through the motions, but wanting more. With Easter approaching, I think of the many church attenders who will hear only liturgy instead of love, and may know of Jesus, but don’t really know Him.  I ache for those who know that there is more and I want to give you assurance that there is! 

Easter is a beautiful celebration, without it you can’t have Christmas.  The birth of baby Jesus is meaningless without the resurrection of the (divine) man.  Andy Stanley says, “It wasn’t the teachings of Jesus that sent His followers into the streets, it was His resurrection.”  1 Corinthians 15 reports that after His death Jesus appeared to more than 500 people, in the flesh.  In that passage the Apostle Paul says that if Christ has not been raised, your faith is futile.
I am by no means a scholar, but I don’t know of any other spiritual teacher/leader who did not meet with a final, mortal death. Jesus says to Thomas in John 20:27-29, “Put your finger here; see my hands.  Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe.” People, this really happened; it isn’t a fairy tale, a folk lore or a piece of fictional fantasy.  I choose to trust the guy who conquered death; I choose to give my faith to the one who loved me that much! 

One of the most important questions Jesus ever asked His Disciples was, “But what about you? he asked. Who do you say I am?” (Mark 8:29) Jesus still asks this today.  So, what about you?  Who do you say He is?

 Jesus’ sacrificial death is not only proof of God’s love for us, but the invitation of eternal life (made possible by… ta da… the resurrection!).  Back in 1 Corinthians 15 Paul writes in verse 19If only for this life we have hope in Christ, we are to be pitied more than all menThis point drives deep into my heart.  How sad is it if Jesus’ teachings are only a coping mechanism for me in this life, with no promise for tomorrow?  There is so much hope beyond today and there is so much power that is available to me through the work of the Cross, really!  I live this out in the minutia of my days as well as in the mess of tragedy.  More importantly, many others, besides the Disciples, died for this truth.

I know I sound religious, but I’m not!  I’m in love and I am deeply loved back.  This love gives my faith carte blanche, this love attracts my obedience and this love endures even when I doubt.  This love is bigger than my insecurities, my insufficiency and my iniquities.  I celebrate this love this Easter in sacraments that are now filled with beautiful meaning because I understand the cost, the love and the victory that makes eternity available through the resurrection; a very real and historical event.

Jesus tells us in John 14:2-6, & 11:  
I am going there to prepare a place for you.  And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you with me that you also may be where I am.  You know the way to the place where I am going.” 
Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” 
Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me… Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the miracles themselves.”

This Easter I pray you lean into who Jesus Christ is, outside of any religious association.  I hope you are comforted by the fact that He is preparing a place for you and that He will return for you. The miracle of the resurrection opens the door to real faith and eternal life. This incredible piece of history inspired the Disciples and continues to inspire great works of faith in all of us who believe. I don’t think religion did this, I think Jesus Christ did.  I will take relationship over religion any day!  I revel in the reality of the resurrection – the cross is bare; the tomb is empty and our Savior lives! Join me this Easter in really celebrating this incredible truth.

Who do you really believe Jesus Christ is?

They say what we believe about God is the most important part of ourselves.  How do you see that playing out in your life?

Participate in an Easter worship service at a church that preaches God and Jesus as they are depicted in the Bible.  Pray that God moves in your heart so that you can see the depth of His love for you, personally.  I pray you crumple under the weight of gratitude when you receive it!

As a certified Christian Life Coach I can help you move from where you are to where God wants you to be. If you are interested in exploring your faith and getting unstuck spiritually, then let’s chat. I'd love to be your champion in what God is calling you to do! 

#Karynisms #EQandJesus #resurrection #HeIsRisen #religion #Easter #EQCoachKaryn #emotionalintelligence #EQ #EI

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